E-scéal 252 - Transfer to 2nd Level, Job Sharing & PIMS

Student Transfer Forms – Primary to Second–Level
The use of this standardised form benefits the ‘receiving’ post-primary school with greater consistency and objectivity in what and how information is transferred. Also, important information about a child’s SEN requirements is included, as this is vital for staff planning in the receiving school. The form helps avoid duplication as in the case of 6th class pupils.  It also serves as the final end of year/school report to parents.
Download Standard Student Transfer Form

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E-scéal 251 - Cap on Overall Number of SNAs – Key Dates & New Procedures

At a meeting yesterday between NCSE, DES and IPPN, information was given about a new circular (0006/2011) which will be issued shortly to all schools.   It will deal with the cap on SNA numbers and the allocation of SEN resources for the coming year.  This circular will have a negative impact on children with SEN and on their school communities as follows:

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E-scéal 250 - Probation of NQTs & Principals

Principals who attended our 2011 annual conference in Citywest, heard the Chief Inspector, Harold Hislop state that the probation of NQTs will be carried out by Principals in the future.  In his opening address, Pat Goff referred to the findings of our annual consultation survey, which we carried out in December.  We asked a specific question regarding the responsibility for probating NQTs. The question asked was:

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E-scéal 249 - First Videos from Principals' Conference?

Principals’ Conference 2011
The reaction to Conference 2011 has been amazing.  In particular, the inputs by Andy Hargreaves and Pasi Sahlberg from Finland have been described as ‘brilliant’, ‘inspiring’, ‘passionate’, yet 'simple'.  If you haven’t seen them in action, set aside an hour and sit back and enjoy words of wisdom from two leading education experts.

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E-scéal 248 - Positivity - Share Some Happiness

In the weeks leading up to Christmas, a number of Principals posted on Networking@ippn.ie that their schools had engaged in a ‘Positivity Week/Day’.  The purpose of this focus on positivity, was to provide some balance to the pervasive news of economic gloom, bad weather and media coverage of international disasters, gang violence etc.  The reaction within their school communities was amazing, and all of them reported that they found the exercise to be very rewarding and enriching.  In particular, it was noted that the exercise had a very positive impact on staff and student morale and wellbeing.

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