Schools to find places for 150,000 new pupils in 10 years []

MORE than 150,000 new school places will have to be provided over the next decade to meet rapidly rising pupil numbers.

The dramatic expansion will put government finances under severe pressure at a time when it is trying to curtail public spending.


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Read more ... & Report A Higher Than Average Level of Recruitment of Newly Qualified Teachers

In response to the statement by Brian Hayes, TD, Fine Gael Spokesman on Education, Pat Goff, President IPPN said 'it does not accurately reflect what Principals are reporting to IPPN around the country'.

'Deputy Hayes' figures refer to the last school year before the education cuts began to bite. In reality, Principals throughout the country are actively engaged in sourcing newly qualified graduates for substitute positions in schools and only resort to employing retirees when no newly trained teachers are immediately available' added Mr Goff.

Mr. Goff noted that this issue however, clearly highlights the need for a Supply Panel of Teachers, something IPPN has called for over the last 3 years.

The IPPN websites and, extensively used by School Boards to source teachers for permanent and temporary positions, are reporting a higher than average level of recruitment of newly qualified personnel for positions in schools.


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2,000 retired teachers continue to work as substitutes []

Around 2,000 retired teachers, many of whom are receiving pensions from the State, are still working as substitutes in Irish schools, according to figures obtained by Fine Gael.

The figures from the Department of Education, which relate to last year, show that the situation is rife in both primary and secondary schools.

Around 100 retired teachers worked more than 91 days in primary schools last year, earning them at least €18,000 each, while 30 retired secondary teachers worked more than 300 hours, earning them at least €15,000 each.

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Guidance on CCTV and data protection []

Many schools and colleges for good reason have CCTV cameras in and around their grounds. For the purposes of the Data Protection Act, CCTV material is data and principle 5 of data processing under the act states that material should not be kept longer than needed.

A school or college should ensure that its data protection policy covers the deletion of material when there is no good reason to keep it and that, like all policies, it is as good in practice as it is in principle.

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Cool customer - Dyslexia a gift, not a disadvantage []

The first thing that new students learn from Edward Vickerman is that he won't be writing on the classroom board. And that marking of their work is going to be different from anything they've had before.

"He can't do it 'properly'," says 14-year-old Adam Brown, one of an army of Vickerman fans who have helped the 26-year-old to triumph as the country's outstanding new teacher of the year. "But he's got his own brilliant system. It's cool."

The drive, which has classrooms buzzing at Freeston enterprise and business college, a comprehensive with 1,000 pupils in Normanton, West Yorkshire, comes from dyslexia; a disadvantage in theory, but for Vickerman and Freeston, a gift.

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