New early learning guide published [Irish Times]

A new framework for early learning was published by the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment today.

Aistear ; which provides guidance for teaching children from birth to six years of age ; was developed following extensive research, consultation, planning, and development by the NCCA in partnership with the early childhood sector

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Teacher Training Termed Mediocre [NY Times]

Calling scores of education school programs "mediocre," Education Secretary Arne Duncan on Thursday implored universities to significantly change the way they prepare teachers to run classrooms, saying a "revolutionary change" was needed to train as many as one million new teachers in five years.

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Protestant school funding to be cut [Irish Examiner]

THE Government is standing firm over its decision to reduce funding for Protestant second-level schools, despite questions about why it took 40 years for legal advice to tell the Department of Education the extra money was unconstitutional.

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High praise for Archbishop Martin on backing Protestant education rights [Irish Times]

THERE WAS applause and much praise for the Catholic Archbishop of Dublin, Most Rev Diarmuid Martin, at the Church of Ireland Dublin Glendalough diocesan synods in Dundrum last night.

The warm remarks followed comments Archbishop Martin made on RTÉ Radio 1's Morning Ireland yesterday, where he supported the stance of the Church of Ireland Archbishop of Dublin, Most Rev John Neill, and other members of that church in support of Protestant education in this State.

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Uncertain future for school that dates from 1547 []

IT is one of the oldest schools in the country, founded by King Edward VI in 1547.

But St Patrick's Cathedral Grammar School in Dublin now faces an uncertain future as a result of the Government's decision to reduce funding to Protestant schools.

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