Crucial subjects disappearing from syllabuses []

ONE in every 12 secondary schools has lost a science subject this year, a new survey has found.

Other subjects that are also crucial for the development of the 'knowledge economy' have also disappeared from some schools, according to the results of four separate surveys carried out in schools.

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Hike in school bus fares forces 10,000 pupils back to car []

THE hike in school bus charges has forced up to 10,000 pupils back into family cars.

New figures show a sharp drop in fare-paying pupils using the school transport scheme this year.

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New education standards released [NZ Herald]

New education standards to be introduced next year, tracking a student's progress and reporting it to their parents, were released today.

The Government is to spend $36 million over four years to support schools' implementation of the standards.

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Hike in school bus fares forces 10,000 pupils back to car []

THE hike in school bus charges has forced up to 10,000 pupils back into family cars. New figures show a sharp drop in fare-paying pupils using the school transport scheme this year.

This is resulting in greater traffic congestion -- and comes despite the fact that official Government policy is to encourage pupils to walk, cycle, or take public transport to school. AA policy director Conor Faughnan described the recent fare increase as a "false economy".

The sharp drop in fare-paying students has also resulted in a reduction in revenue to the Department of Education and Science.

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Call for online IDs to protect children [Irish Examiner]

A VERIFIABLE online identity card should be required to access social networking sites in order to protect children from paedophiles, according to a new report.

This would confirm whether people accessing sites such as Bebo or My-Space are who they say they are and what age they are.

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