Primary School Network: Curriculum Overload []

A strong message came from teachers and principal teachers during two phases of review of the Primary School Curriculum (1999) that they did not have enough time to 'teach it all.' The National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA) is attempting to respond to the challenge, but it needs the help of teachers.

During the coming months we are looking at re-presenting the curriculum content objectives, in an attempt to make the content in the 11 curriculum books more accessible and more user-friendly. Initially we will use the 'glance cards' developed by the Primary Professional Development Service (PPDS) for Science, Maths, Gaeilge and English. Click the links below to download the PPDS glance cards

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Project Maths goes nationwide []

It began last year in 24 schools, and it has been making the news ever since. The most radical reform of mathematics education in post-primary schools is underway. Read more about the background to the initiative here.

This year, the 24 continue to break new ground with first, second, fifth and sixth year students. But the rest of the schools are not far behind, with professional development for all teachers starting this term. In September 2010 all schools will start using the new approaches and the new syllabus for Junior and Leaving Certificate.

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Minister O'Keeffe announces measures to keep schools' water bills down []

Schools invited to seek funding for small-scale projects under 2010 Summer Works Scheme

New water conservation measures under next year's Summer Works Scheme will help schools cover metered water costs from January when they'll have to pay according to how much they use, according to the Minister for Education and Science, Batt O'Keeffe TD.

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'Critical role' of play in early childhood [Irish Examiner]

THE importance of play, relationships and language for young children are the focus of guidelines which will be used by early education centres offering a year of free pre-school from January.

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No return to Protestant school grants []

EDUCATION Minister Batt O'Keeffe insisted yesterday that he could not constitutionally restore the grants worth €2.8m which were withdrawn from Protestant schools this year.

But he stressed that he was willing to look at other areas where the department could focus on the greatest need.

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