E-scéal 232 - Calling on Your Experience…How to save 2 cent

At present we are involved in a number of research projects. One of the great strengths of IPPN research is that it is fully informed by practicing Principals and Deputy Principals 'on the ground'. Unfortunately, two of our current projects require surveys over the next two weeks. We are fully aware that we are entering the busiest time of the school year. Let it be clear that there is no expectation of you to complete any or both questionnaires. If you choose to contribute your experience and expertise through the surveys, it will be greatly appreciated.

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E-scéal 231 - SEN News, INTO Meeting & Student Transfer Form

Representatives of IPPN recently met with officials from Special Education in the DES to discuss a number of issues.

General Allocation Model (GAM)
A review of GAM was carried out by the DES in 2008.  IPPN made a submission based on feedback from Principals countrywide.  This review is now complete and awaiting publication.  The DES is not in a position to reveal when the final report will be made public or if the current ratios are to be altered to reflect the changing circumstances in schools.  The original allocations were made at the beginning of the 2005/06 school year based on enrolment figures for 2003/04.  In the intervening years many schools have substantially increased enrolments with greater numbers of low and high incidence pupils per year.  It is clear that the present ratios will not be sufficient to enable schools to meet all the needs of their pupils.

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E-scéal 230 - Fixed-term and Specific Purpose Contracts in Plain English

Fixed-term, specific-purpose and contracts of indefinite duration (CIDs) can be a source of confusion when it comes to appointing temporary teachers. In May 2009, on behalf of IPPN, David Ruddy researched this issue in detail and formally sought a legal opinion. The purpose of this was to clarify once and for all what is best practice in relation to the appointment of temporary teachers.

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E-scéal 229 - Deputy Principals' Conference

Deputy Principals’ Conference
This year’s Deputy Principals’ Conference takes place in CityWest Hotel, Dublin, from 6.00pm Thursday 13th – 4.00pm Friday 14th May.  Invited keynote speakers include Professor John Coolahan, Dr Anne Looney, CEO NCCA and Professor John West-Burnham.  Workshops include:

E-scéal 228 - IPPN News

Your School & The Law – 27th March 2010
The final ‘Your School & The Law’ seminar will take place on Saturday 27th March from 9.00am – 4.00pm in the Ormond Hotel, Kilkenny.  The seminar provides attendees with a unique opportunity to learn and apply education and employment law in a school context.  Topics that will be covered include:
• Enrolment – Policy, Procedures and Section 29 Appeals
• Employment – Recruitment & Contracts
• Disciplinary Issues – Procedures, Unfair Dismissal  Acts, Harassment & Bullying
If you wish to attend, contact the IPPN Support Office on 1890 21 22 23 or email

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