E-scéal 227 - Deputy Principals' Conference

We are currently planning the 2010 Deputy Principals’ Conference.  Based on the feedback from the event last year, we are giving you an input in selecting dates.  This should result in dates that will suit the majority of Deputy Principals planning to attend. 

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E-scéal 226 - Work-to-Rule - Seeking Clarification

At IPPN’s National Committee meeting last Saturday, a discussion took place relating to the ‘Work-to-Rule’ directives and their impact on schools.  It emerged that there is a lack of clarity and widespread confusion as to the substance and status of various union directives issued in recent months. 

In order to achieve clarity on matters that will affect your school community, we have contacted the INTO seeking a meeting.  In the meantime, we ask you to consider the issues relating to the ‘Work-to-Rule’ that you would like to have clarified for your Board of Management, staff and parents. 

Please send your questions to support@ippn.ie by Wednesday 10th March at 4.00pm. 

Is sinne le meas

Pat Goff & Seán Cottrell

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E-scéal 225 - Support Office On The Move & SEN Diploma

Support Office Move
The IPPN Support Office is moving to a new premises this weekend.  We are availing of this opportunity to upgrade our telephone and IT systems.  This means that from 3.30pm today, Friday 12th until 9.00am Wednesday 17th, the support office will not be contactable by telephone or by normal emails. 

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E-scéal 224 - Haiti Children & Schools - IPPN Fundraiser

Last Friday night, Principals attending IPPN’s conference gala dinner were invited to make a donation to help re-establish primary schools in Haiti.  Over €9,500 was collected on the night.  Since then, we have received calls from Principals whose schools are planning fundraising events and who wish to channel the funds through IPPN.  All funds raised will be shared between two specific projects:  

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E-scéal 223 - Recent School Closures & Time Lost

Minister O’Keeffe’s view on recent school closures and time lost
Those of you who attended IPPN’s conference in Citywest will have been heartened by a number of things Minister O’Keeffe said in his address to  Principals. He regards the substitute cover provided by his department to allow Principals attend the annual IPPN Conference as value for money. Minister O’Keeffe also stated that ‘as professionals and school leaders, you have an opportunity to take some time out from your otherwise hectic day-to-day schedules to reflect on the broader, more fundamental themes in education’. He also acknowledged the crucial and constructive role that Principals played in their school communities during the recent bad weather. He then outlined how his Department would treat the issue of time lost, as follows:

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