E-scéal 211 - Dates for Your Diary

County Network AGMs
County Network AGMs are being held in the 26 counties and will finish on 20th October 2009. Please click here to view a full list of dates, times and venues. Issues that will be addressed in the AGMs include:

  • Sustaining staff morale

  • Temporary teacher contracts

  • In-school management

  • MedMark.

The presentation will be available on http://www.ippn.ie/ from Friday 16th October.

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E-scéal 210 - Swine Flu Resources

 The Pandemic H1N1 (Swine Flu) could be a challenge for your school this term. Mindful of every Principal's workload at the start of a new school term, IPPN is offering the following advice, which Principals may wish to follow should the situation in relation to swine flu escalate:

  • Follow the directions given in DES Circular 47/09
  • Follow the advice given by the Management Bodies in their update, designed in consultation with the HSE and the DES.
  • Consult immediately with the Chairperson and the Board of Management with a view to drawing up a specific action plan for the school to cover all eventualities addressed in the above documents
  • To facilitate the effective education of children on this topic as they return to school, IPPN is providing Principals with three SPHE Lesson Plans appropriate to Junior, Middle and Senior Classes. The topics covered are Cough/Sneezing Etiquette, Hand Washing Practices, Symptoms of Flu and Infection Control
  • In managing any escalation of the Pandemic H1N1, effective, reliable and rapid communication is imperative. TextaParent.ie  is an instant messaging service designed by principals to inform parents if schools are required to close at short notice. If schools are closed parents can be kept constantly informed of emerging situations and of possible reopening dates. A TextaParent.ie account has already been set up in advance for every school. The IPPN Helpline 1 890 21 22 23 is available to activate your account, set up your contacts and to acquire credits
  • Similarly, TextaSub is a free facility provided by IPPN for Schools wishing to contact available substitute teachers in their area. 

Is sinne le meas

Virginia O'Mahony

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E-scéal 209 - 62 Days to 1st September

IPPN Support Office open during July & August
The Support Office will remain open during the summer to support the needs of IPPN members. This is particularly important this year with such high numbers of Newly Appointed Principals (NAPs). We encourage all NAPs to contact the Support Office if you have any queries.

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E-scéal 208 - IPPN has partnered with BlueKop to help deliver low-cost, fully refurbished computers to member schools

Ready to plug-in, Internet ready, Refurbished computers including:

  • Hard drive
  • Monitor
  • Keyboard
  • Electrical cables
  • Mouse
  • MicrosoftXP Pro licence,
  • AntiVirus software
  • Remote access software to facilitate technical support

Receive all of the above for the IPPN negotiated price of €180 each incl. Vat

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E-scéal 207 - Weekly Round-up 29th May 2009

Information for Parents of Junior Infants
Click on the links below to view some key resources that can be tailored to your school and made available to parents of newly-enrolled Junior Infants

IPPN Sponsors

