E-scéal 321 - Budget 2013 – IPPN’s Submission

IPPN’s Executive and National Committees met on Saturday, November 10th. Detailed consultations were carried out with principals from all school types and from every county. Following on from this, IPPN is sending a pre-budget submission to the Minister for Finance and the Minster for Education & Skills.

Click here to view full submission

Is sinne le meas

Seán Cottrell & Gerry Murphy

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E-scéal 320 - The Gathering Ireland 2013

The Gathering Ireland 2013 is a tourism initiative designed to invite members of the Irish Diaspora to holiday in Ireland in 2013. This is part of a strategy to encourage Irish people overseas in making an important contribution to Ireland’s economic recovery.

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E-scéal 319 - Children’s Referendum, Appointments, School Returns

‘YES’ vote for children’s rights and resources to match
In spite of all the advancements that have been made, some children in our schools remain vulnerable to inadequate support systems and under resourced services. As school leaders, we know that children are our future, the most precious people we have.

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E-scéal 318 - SNA Croke Park Hours – Do’s & Don’ts

DES Circular 71/2011 now requires SNA’s to contribute to the Croke Park Agreement.  IPPN members have contacted the support office seeking clarity on its implementation in schools.  We have provided a list of the main queries to the DES for clarity and received the following guidance.

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E-scéal 317 - Parent Associations, Parent/Teacher Meeting & Planning Prompts

Parent Associations – Good Relations
During this time of year, the IPPN Support Office receives many queries in relation to parent associations and their role within the school community.  It may be an opportune time to reflect on the relationship between the parent association and the school. IPPN and NPC-P jointly produced ‘Supporting Each Other – a guide to best practice for the effective partnership between principals and parent associations’

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