E-scéal 316 - RCTs & VAT returns – Are they a core part of your role as a leader of learning?

Schools are now obliged by law to process VAT returns for a range of works carried out on building, extensions, refurbishments, repairs etc. These taxes are known as Relevant Contract Taxes (RCTs). Responsibility for processing of RCTs rests with your Board of Management (BoM).

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E-scéal 315 - Principals’ Professional Briefing Day Resources

Membership 2012/2013 Please renew you membership before 8th October.
To continue to avail of IPPN supports and services, including networking@ippn.ie and the Principal Advice call back service, please renew your membership before Monday 8th October.  Without membership renewal, from October 8th you will not be able to access IPPN’s key membership services.

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E-scéal 314 - Welcome Back & Dates For Your Diary

Fáilte ar ais
Gabhaimid fáilte ó chroí romhat ag tús na scoilbliana nua.  Cé go raibh droch laethannta saoire ag na leanaí ó thaobh na h-aimsire de, tá súil againn go mbeidh go leor laethanta geala fada romhainn go ceann cúpla mí eile.

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E-scéal 313 - 5 things you need to know before your holidays

This past year has been a very challenging year for school leaders.  We would like to take this opportunity to thank the many Principals and Deputies who have been generous with their time and expertise for the benefit of fellow school leaders, by serving on our National and Executive Committees, local support groups and answering the many queries posted on the Networking mailing list.  We also thank the staff at the IPPN Support Office in Cork, who have worked on many projects and events, and delivered services for our members throughout the year.  Finally, we wish to thank you, as a member of IPPN, for your continued participation in our network and the collegial support this provides.  Take a well-deserved break during the summer holidays to fully relax, renew and rejuvenate.  If you don’t look after yourself, it is unlikely that anyone else will.

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E-scéal 312 - The National Procurement Service (NPS) Schools Energy Competition Results

As you are aware, for the past number of years, IPPN has capitalised on the joint purchasing power of 3,300 schools to ensure better value on utilities and other services for our members.  Through our link with Energia for example, we have delivered low-cost electricity to schools for over 5 years, now providing annual savings of ca. 10% on other competitors in the market.

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