E-scéal 306 - RedC Poll commissioned by IPPN

Last week you received an e-scéal requesting your participation in a survey on a variety of topics. The survey included questions asked of the general adult population in an IPPN commissioned RedC Poll, together with other questions, to capture members’ thinking on issues relevant to school leaders.

In order that IPPN’s Executive can capture the opinion and experience of the overall network, it is vitally important that everyone has the opportunity to contribute their own views. This should take you no longer than 8-10 minutes. You will be notified by e mail when the findings of both surveys are available from ippn.ie. This will allow you the opportunity to examine the correlation between your own thinking, that of your colleagues and that of the general adult population.

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E-scéal 305 - Small Schools, Literacy & Numeracy – we need your opinion

The current pace of change in primary education is rapid and relentless. The pressures being brought to bear on principals by issues such as the threat to small schools, DEIS cuts, Literacy & Numeracy Strategy, increasing class size, cuts to SEN provision and the proposed changes to probation are causing serious levels of anxiety. Principals are overwhelmed by the fact that, as school leaders they are in the frontline but they have no answers for the people in their school communities who most deserve answers and who are most affected by the cutbacks.

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E-scéal 304 - Deputy Principals' Conference, Digital Art Week

Deputy Principals’ Conference – Have you booked?
Online registration for Deputy Principals’ Conference 2012 and seminar booking is now open.  The conference will take place from Thursday 10th May – Friday 11th May at Citywest Hotel.  Over 50% of conference places are now booked.  Please book your place to avoid disappointment as places are limited.
Click here for more information and to book your place

Digital Art Week
Digital Art Week will take place in primary schools from Monday 23rd to Friday 27th April.  During the seven days, schools will integrate the Visual Arts curriculum with technology and Social Media tools such as Twitter, Flickr, Wikipedia.  Pupils will then share their creations with other pupils and the world!  Last year over 365 unique pieces of art were uploaded.  If you are interested in taking part in Digital Art Week, please register your interest on either of the following web sites:

• Anseo.net (http://www.anseo.net/artweek12)
• Seomra Ranga (http://www.seomraranga.ie/)

Is sinne le meas

Seán Cottrell & Gerry Murphy

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E-scéal 303 - Deputy Principals' Conference

The 2012 Deputy Principals’ Conference is scheduled to take place in Citywest Hotel, on Thursday evening the 10th and Friday the 11th of May.

This year’s conference has a tremendous line up of speakers and facilitators. The conference theme is - Two heads are better than one - Giorraíonn Beirt Bóthar. 

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E-scéal 302 - Further update on Circular 07/2012

The Primary Allocations Section of the DES has provided IPPN with the following update in relation to Circular 07/2012.
Is sinne le meas
Gerry Murphy & Sean Cottrell 

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