E-scéal 181 - Managing SNAs' IPPN Presentation to County Network AGMs

The slideshow on Managing Special Needs Assistants, which was presented to all IPPN County Network AGMs in October, is now available to view or download from www.ippn.ie. You will find this resource under Principal Advice / Inclusion or Principal Advice / Human Resource Management (having logged on with your username and password).

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E-scéal 180 - Conference Programme "Creative Writing / Clustering SEN hours/ Conference"

Creative Writing for IPPN Annual Principals' Conference Programme

We are currently preparing the Conference 2009 programme which will be given to all Principals attending the event in Killarney. Following on from the success of the children's creative writing on the role of the Principal in last year's programme, this year we are planning to include examples of both your and your pupils' creative writing in the programme and we are looking for your help.

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E- scéal 179 - Verifying ID and Qualifications of Substitute Teachers

You may be aware of the Sunday Times article which described how two reporters posing as teachers gained access to substitute teaching posts in schools. The reporters registered with TextaSub.ie and responded to texts from Principals looking for substitute teachers. They used fake names and falsely claimed to be qualified as primary teachers. Having gained initial access to schools under false pretences, both reporters quickly departed and set about detailing their "undercover operation". It goes without saying that the approach taken by the reporters was both deceitful and reprehensible. Nevertheless, it is a timely reminder to us all of the importance of verifying the identification and qualifications of anyone applying for work in a school.

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E- scéal 178 - Persons working as both Substitute Teacher and Substitute SNA

Recently a number of Principals have alerted IPPN to the anomaly on the OLCS system which prevented a person serving as a substitute SNA and as a substitute Teacher in the same school year.

Following enquires to the Payroll Section dealing with the OLCS, IPPN has been informed as follows:

"The Department has taken a decision not to implement this directive at this time."

This means that an appropriately qualified person, who has served as a Substitute Teacher in this school year, can also serve as a Substitute SNA. If such a qualified person has initially served as a Substitute SNA they may also serve as a Substitute Teacher in this school year. The Notice which was displayed on the Esinet Portal Page under Headlines has been removed.

Is sinne le meas,

Seán Cottrell and Larry Fleming

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E-scéal 177 - What do you think of NEWB?

The National Educational Welfare Board (NEWB) has asked IPPN to contribute to its strategic plan for the next five years. We are aware that Principals have many differing views on the service provided by NEWB. Before making our submission, we are asking you to give us your thoughts based on your school's experience.

In your suggestions, you might wish to consider the points below as a prompt, however feel free to comment on any aspect of the service and how you would see its future.


  • NEWB policy and its implementation
  • The quality of the current education welfare service
  • Success in preventing absenteeism
  • Collaboration with other educational services
  • NEWB support for schools
  • Impact of NEWB on Home-School Community Liaison (HSCL) service
  • Impact of NEWB on School Completion Programme (SCP).


  • Role of NEWB in the wider education sector
  • Targeting resources towards incidents of non attendance
  • Balancing resources between child welfare and enforcement/ prosecution
  • Integration of NEWB service with HSE Child Protection and Public Health
  • Measuring the effectiveness of NEWB and its use of available resources
  • Relative merits of NEWB, HSCL and SCP
  • Competing priorities for scarce resources - NEWB, HSCL and SCP.

Please send your ideas and suggestions to info@ippn.ie by Tuesday 18th November.

Is sinne le meas,

Seán Cottrell and Larry Fleming

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