E-scéal 196 - Cut Your Schools Electricity & Gas Bills Today By 10%

IPPN is delighted to announce that Energia, our energy partner since 2007 is now offering schools discounted electricity delivering a saving of 10% on your electricity bills. In addition to this electricity supplied by Energia to schools comes from green renewable sources. This is good news for all schools particularly those who have Green School status.

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E-scéal 195 - Staffing Schedule - September 2009

Staffing Schedule - September 2009 & Panel Arrangements
DES Circular 0002/2009 containing the detailed staffing schedule for next September is now available on line - see link below. In addition there is also a copy of a letter which your school will receive about the operating arrangements for the redeployment panel. Given that many schools will have queries regarding their own specific circumstances, IPPN has asked the DES to provide a facility to respond to Principals' questions. If you have a question about the implications of this circular for your school, please email your query to the the following address; primaryallocations@education.gov.ie

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E-scéal 194 - Closing of classes for children with Mild General Learning Disability [MGLD]

Earlier this week, IPPN met with the Assistant Secretary General of the Department of Education & Science charged with responsibility for Special Education. All aspects of the recent announcement to close MGLD classes with fewer than nine pupils were thoroughly explored and discussed.

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E-scéal 192 - Principals - Pension Levy on Public Servants

It is clear from the mood of 900 Principals at Conference, from calls to the Support Office and through networking@ippn.ie, that there is great anger among Principals at the manner in which Government has decided to address the financial crisis facing our country.

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E-scéal 193 - IPPN Seminar 'Your School and the Law' in Sligo on 21st March

Mr David Ruddy, Barrister and Principal, in conjunction with IPPN, is facilitating a new series of one-day legal seminars entitled 'Your School & The Law'. The next seminar will be held in Sligo at the Sligo Park Hotel on Saturday 21st March.

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